Dukan Diet Consolidation Phase

During the Dukan Diet Consolidation Phase you are allowed one meal a week where you can eat what ever you like!
The Dukan Diet is considered a miraculous diet plan by many, who have benefitted immensely from this highly popular weight loss program. Introduced by a French Nutritionist, Pierre Dukan, this diet plan is different from others, due to its revolutionary approach towards weight loss. The Dukan Diet involves four phases, each with its own set of instructions. Once you cross the first two phases, namely Attack phase and Cruise phase, you enter the third phase, which is the Consolidation Phase. The aim of the Dukan Diet Consolidation Phase is to not lose any more weight, but maintain the weight you have achieved in the last two phases. In this phase you can eat even those foods which were not allowed in the previous, Cruise phase. So, you gradually re-introduce the foods that have high carbohydrate in your diet, along with a 25 minute walk every day.
The Dukan Diet Consolidation Phase is divided into two stages. In the first stage you are required to have:
- Foods from the Cruise phase
- Whole meal bread – two slices per day
- Pasta, beans, lentils, chickpeas – one portion per week
- Rice and potatoes – only occasionally
- Fruits – one portion per day (excluding cherries, grapes, dried fruits and bananas, due to their sugar content)
- Meats – like lamb, cooked ham and pork, after removing any visible fat
- Cheese – one portion per day (approx. 40g)
- Oat bran – 2tbsp per day
- Pure protein diet for one day every week
- Celebratory meal once every week – you can eat whatever you want but you are not allowed a second helping
In the second stage of the Dukan Diet Consolidation Phase you can double the amount of celebratory meals, along with inclu
ding starches to 2 portions per week.
The duration for which you need to follow the Dukan Diet Consolidation Phase diet plan will depend on the amount of weight you have lost in previous phases. It can be easily calculated. You need to consider one pound of weight loss (0.5kg) equal to five days. So, if the lost weight is 20 pounds (9.1kg) then you need to follow this diet for 100 days.
One major issue with most of the other diet plans is that these end when you achieve a desired weight, leaving you with no clue as how to maintain this new found weight. However, the Dukan Diet plan not only promotes weight loss but also helps you to maintain it with a diet plan that you are required to follow regularly, thus, making it a highly reliable and helpful method of weight loss.